- SSH config: disable password and send COLORTERM
- Vim: use <space>u instead of <space>w
- Helix:
- Update for bug fixes after 23.10
- Install bash completions, desktop file, and icon
- Fix bufferline and inlay hints color
- Reenable auto pairs since smart tabs is a thing now
- Ubuntu:
- Update to 23.10
- Change naming convention
- Add podman and qemu-user-static
- Setup:
- Update install and swap config
- Add fish, Pods, Steam
- Fix CJK font config path
- Remove Firefox Wayland override now that it's the default
- Shells: configure fish
- Manual:
- Configure starship
- Use cargo locked install
- Remove sparse protocol config now that it's the default
- Fix failure when fish config directory is not found
- tmux: fix truecolor support for Alacritty
- Setup: reorganize and add server specific setup
- Helix: use relative line numbers
- Bash: add aliases
- Packages: install GStreamer plugins for AV1 preview
- Apps: Video Trimmer
- Font: Simplified Chinese font priority fix
- An actual `README.md`
- Reorganize dual boot guide & install and swap guides
- Fix force install of Rust & Helix breaking when files already exist
- A note about Firefox Wayland CPU bug
- Remove deprecated `sshd_config` line
- Use shallow clone to install Helix
- Fix rust-configure panics when bash dotfiles don't exist
- Use tabs for Rust scripts
- Fix Helix version to 23.03
- Helix force install
- Helix LSP inlay hints key
- Other Ubuntu packages
- Rust and Helix install/configure scripts
- tmux curly underline with colors
- Rocky SSH & Mosh setup
- `asciinema` and `rg`
- Mosh PPA for old Ubuntu systems
- VirtualBox USB devices group
- Add `~/.local/bin/` to path in .bashrc
- Use `~/.bash_login` instead of `~/.profile` for tmux on login and exec it
- Rename `gnome-todo` to `endeavour`
- Use new sshd alias
- Reload instead of restarting sshd
- Vim colorschemes and plugins
- `.sh` extensions on executable scripts
HashKnownHosts provides an appearance of security but is actually
[easily crackable](https://github.com/chris408/known_hosts-hashcat) and
doesn't prevent leakage from other sources, such as the shell history or
SSH config. Most importantly, it makes properly maintaining the list
tedious and error-prone by making it hard to remove changed keys and
impossible to remove obsolete entries, therefore possibly weakening
security. Security should be enforced by password-protecting SSH keys
Encountered a few bugs/annoyances with vi mode. Seems not as polished
as the EMACS key bindings. Also annoying to use with others' shells not
configured to use vi mode, while the main benefit is still available
with ctrl-x ctrl-e