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Ubuntu User Configuration

This document includes configuration that is per user and remembered in the home directory.

  • Clone the terminal configs
    • git clone
    • Open Vim and type :PlugInstall


  • Go to Appearance and choose dark mode
  • Go to Date & Time and use am/pm
  • Go to Displays and enable night light
  • Go to Power and change Power Button Action to Suspend.
  • Go to Privacy -> File History & Trash and auto delete everything in 30 days
  • Go to Multitasking and choose Workspaces on all displays and Hot Corner
    • Application switching?


  • Check open previous windows and tabs
  • Setup Multi-Account Containers
    • Change shortcuts to Ctrl+<#>

VS Codium

  • flatpak override --user --env=FLATPAK_ISOLATE_PACKAGES=0 com.vscodium.codium
  • Reason:

OBS record audio per app (may need adjustment > 22.04)

# configure pulse audio with obs-sink and loop it back to speakers
cat >> ~/.config/pulse/ << 'EOF'
# include system default
.include /etc/pulse/
# sink that discard all input
load-module module-null-sink sink_name=obs-sink
# update human readable description in property list
update-sink-proplist obs-sink device.description="OBS Sink"
# replace <name> with name in first output of `pacmd list-sinks` inside angle
# brackets
# sink must be set, otherwise would be default and cause echoing
# latency_msec must be set, the lowest possible is 1 and default is 200
load-module module-loopback sink=<name> latency_msec=1

# restart pulse audio
pulseaudio -k

# to configure output per app to different devices
sudo apt install pavucontrol


Golden Dict

- Import dictionaries in `~/.software/goldendict/stardict-cc-cedict`
- Don't search in dictionaries contains more then 10000 articles