DuckDuckWhale 8d214518ff
Misc: update packages & apps, ROCm, SSH, ...
Framework LED Matrix, over amplication, Mac fnmode for Fedora, OBS CQ,
Python config for Helix and yapf3
2024-12-08 22:31:32 -08:00

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# Fedora 39 User Setup
Now that you have setup your new system, time to configure quality-of-life user
_Note: This document details the user level setup only. This means settings
that you may make without superuser permission and are remembered in the home
directory. For system level setup, see
[Fedora 39 System Setup]( This is originally written
for Fedora 39 and updated to Fedora 40._
## Default apps
- Shell: Fish (`chsh -s /usr/bin/fish`)
- Video: MPV
## Power
Turn off `Automatic Suspend` when `Plugged In`.
## Displays
Turn on Night Light and slide the slider to almost the very left.
`gsettings set org.gnome.mutter experimental-features
"['scale-monitor-framebuffer', 'variable-refresh-rate']"` Then turn fractional
scaling to 125%.
## Keyboard
In `Input Sources`, add `Chinese (Intelligent Pinyin)` and
`Hanyu Pinyin Letters (with AltGr dead keys)`.
## Touchpad
- Slightly higher pointer speed
- Enable tap to click
## Privacy & Security
- `File History & Trash`: Auto delete everything in 30 days
### Shortcuts
| Name | Shortcut | Command |
| Home folder | `Super` + `F` |
| Launch email client | `Super` + `E` |
| Launch web browser | `Super` + `W` |
| Microphone mute/unmute | `Super` + `A` |
In Settings -> Keyboard -> Custom Shortcuts:
| Name | Shortcut | Command |
| Launch Calculator | `Super` + `C` | `gnome-calculator` |
| Launch Dictionary | `Super` + `D` | `goldendict-ng` |
| Launch Terminal | `Super` + `T` | `alacritty` |
| Swap Esc with Caps Lock | `Ctrl` + `Super` + `S` | `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['caps:swapescape']"` |
| Disable Caps Lock | `Ctrl` + `Super` + `D`| `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "['caps:none']"` |
| Clear key mappings | `Ctrl` + `Super` + `C` | `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.input-sources xkb-options "[]"` |
| Toggle OBS Recording | `Super` + `R` | `obs-cmd -w obsws://localhost:4455/<secret> recording toggle` |
| Save OBS Replay | `Super` + `Alt` + `C` (for capture) | `obs-cmd -w obsws://localhost:4455/<secret> replay save` |
## Migrating Thunderbird and Firefox
Look in `installs.ini` and `profiles.ini` and keep the last one.
Or use the profile managers.
## Migrating podman rootless containers
Reset SELinux labels:
`restorecon -RFv $HOME/.local/share/containers`
## App settings
- Terminal: Monospace 15
- Text Editor
- Monospace 15
- Using the top right settings icon:
- Show Line Number
- Show Right Margin
- Spaces Per Tab: 4
- GSConnect: Enable in Extensions app, pair with phone, and adjust settings
- Xournal++: turn on dark mode
- OBS: 2560x1440,
VAAPI AV1 (CQ 20), opus, output to `~/Videos/OBS/`
- Install [per application audio capture](
To install the plugin: open OBS folder from its menu, decompress the zip and
remove the outer folder and put in the `plugins` folder, creating it if it
doesn't exist. The final result should be something like
- Enable websocket server and install
[obs CLI for obs-websocket v5]( to
emulate global shortcuts on Wayland
- Enable replay buffer of 60 seconds and 1000 MB
## Tricks
Over amplification is nowhere to be found on recent GNOME Tweaks:
`gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.sound allow-volume-above-100-percent 'true'`