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synced 2025-03-15 19:16:38 +00:00

* Implement VRSRA, VRSHRN, VQSHRUN, VQMOVN, VQMOVUN, VQADD, VQSUB, VRHADD, VPADDL, VSUBL, VQDMULH and VMLAL Arm32 NEON instructions * PPTC version * Fix VQADD/VQSUB * Improve MRC/MCR handling and exception messages In case data is being recompiled as code, we don't want to throw at emit stage, instead we should only throw if it actually tries to execute
389 lines
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389 lines
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using ARMeilleure.Decoders;
using ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation;
using ARMeilleure.Translation;
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitHelper;
using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitSimdHelper;
using static ARMeilleure.Instructions.InstEmitSimdHelper32;
using static ARMeilleure.IntermediateRepresentation.Operand.Factory;
namespace ARMeilleure.Instructions
static partial class InstEmit32
public static void Vqrshrn(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
EmitRoundShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(context, op.U ? ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorZxZx : ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorSxSx);
public static void Vqrshrun(ArmEmitterContext context)
EmitRoundShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(context, ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorSxZx);
public static void Vqshrn(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
EmitShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(context, op.U ? ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorZxZx : ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorSxSx);
public static void Vqshrun(ArmEmitterContext context)
EmitShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(context, ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.VectorSxZx);
public static void Vrshr(ArmEmitterContext context)
EmitRoundShrImmOp(context, accumulate: false);
public static void Vrshrn(ArmEmitterContext context)
EmitRoundShrImmNarrowOp(context, signed: false);
public static void Vrsra(ArmEmitterContext context)
EmitRoundShrImmOp(context, accumulate: true);
public static void Vshl(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => context.ShiftLeft(op1, Const(op.Shift)));
public static void Vshl_I(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdReg op = (OpCode32SimdReg)context.CurrOp;
if (op.U)
EmitVectorBinaryOpZx32(context, (op1, op2) => EmitShlRegOp(context, op2, op1, op.Size, true));
EmitVectorBinaryOpSx32(context, (op1, op2) => EmitShlRegOp(context, op2, op1, op.Size, false));
public static void Vshll(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImmLong op = (OpCode32SimdShImmLong)context.CurrOp;
Operand res = context.VectorZero();
int elems = op.GetBytesCount() >> op.Size;
for (int index = 0; index < elems; index++)
Operand me = EmitVectorExtract32(context, op.Qm, op.Im + index, op.Size, !op.U);
if (op.Size == 2)
if (op.U)
me = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, me);
me = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, me);
me = context.ShiftLeft(me, Const(op.Shift));
res = EmitVectorInsert(context, res, me, index, op.Size + 1);
context.Copy(GetVecA32(op.Qd), res);
public static void Vshr(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
int maxShift = (8 << op.Size) - 1;
if (op.U)
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => (shift > maxShift) ? Const(op1.Type, 0) : context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift)));
EmitVectorUnaryOpSx32(context, (op1) => context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(Math.Min(maxShift, shift))));
public static void Vshrn(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
EmitVectorUnaryNarrowOp32(context, (op1) => context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift)));
public static void Vsra(ArmEmitterContext context)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
int maxShift = (8 << op.Size) - 1;
if (op.U)
EmitVectorImmBinaryQdQmOpZx32(context, (op1, op2) =>
Operand shiftRes = shift > maxShift ? Const(op2.Type, 0) : context.ShiftRightUI(op2, Const(shift));
return context.Add(op1, shiftRes);
EmitVectorImmBinaryQdQmOpSx32(context, (op1, op2) => context.Add(op1, context.ShiftRightSI(op2, Const(Math.Min(maxShift, shift)))));
public static void EmitRoundShrImmOp(ArmEmitterContext context, bool accumulate)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1);
if (op.U)
if (op.Size < 2)
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) =>
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
return context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift));
}, accumulate);
else if (op.Size == 2)
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) =>
op1 = context.ZeroExtend32(OperandType.I64, op1);
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
return context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift)));
}, accumulate);
else /* if (op.Size == 3) */
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signed: false, roundConst, shift), accumulate);
if (op.Size < 2)
EmitVectorUnaryOpSx32(context, (op1) =>
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
return context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift));
}, accumulate);
else if (op.Size == 2)
EmitVectorUnaryOpSx32(context, (op1) =>
op1 = context.SignExtend32(OperandType.I64, op1);
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
return context.ConvertI64ToI32(context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift)));
}, accumulate);
else /* if (op.Size == 3) */
EmitVectorUnaryOpZx32(context, (op1) => EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signed: true, roundConst, shift), accumulate);
private static void EmitRoundShrImmNarrowOp(ArmEmitterContext context, bool signed)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1);
EmitVectorUnaryNarrowOp32(context, (op1) =>
if (op.Size <= 1)
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
op1 = signed ? context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift)) : context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift));
else /* if (op.Size == 2 && round) */
op1 = EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signed, roundConst, shift); // shift <= 32
return op1;
}, signed);
private static Operand EmitShlRegOp(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand op, Operand shiftLsB, int size, bool unsigned)
if (shiftLsB.Type == OperandType.I64)
shiftLsB = context.ConvertI64ToI32(shiftLsB);
shiftLsB = context.SignExtend8(OperandType.I32, shiftLsB);
Debug.Assert((uint)size < 4u);
Operand negShiftLsB = context.Negate(shiftLsB);
Operand isPositive = context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(shiftLsB, Const(0));
Operand shl = context.ShiftLeft(op, shiftLsB);
Operand shr = unsigned ? context.ShiftRightUI(op, negShiftLsB) : context.ShiftRightSI(op, negShiftLsB);
Operand res = context.ConditionalSelect(isPositive, shl, shr);
if (unsigned)
Operand isOutOfRange = context.BitwiseOr(
context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(shiftLsB, Const(8 << size)),
context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(negShiftLsB, Const(8 << size)));
return context.ConditionalSelect(isOutOfRange, Const(op.Type, 0), res);
Operand isOutOfRange0 = context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(shiftLsB, Const(8 << size));
Operand isOutOfRangeN = context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(negShiftLsB, Const(8 << size));
// Also zero if shift is too negative, but value was positive.
isOutOfRange0 = context.BitwiseOr(isOutOfRange0, context.BitwiseAnd(isOutOfRangeN, context.ICompareGreaterOrEqual(op, Const(op.Type, 0))));
Operand min = (op.Type == OperandType.I64) ? Const(-1L) : Const(-1);
return context.ConditionalSelect(isOutOfRange0, Const(op.Type, 0), context.ConditionalSelect(isOutOfRangeN, min, res));
private enum ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags
Scalar = 1 << 0,
SignedSrc = 1 << 1,
SignedDst = 1 << 2,
Round = 1 << 3,
ScalarSxSx = Scalar | SignedSrc | SignedDst,
ScalarSxZx = Scalar | SignedSrc,
ScalarZxZx = Scalar,
VectorSxSx = SignedSrc | SignedDst,
VectorSxZx = SignedSrc,
VectorZxZx = 0
private static void EmitRoundShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(ArmEmitterContext context, ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags flags)
EmitShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(context, ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.Round | flags);
private static void EmitShrImmSaturatingNarrowOp(ArmEmitterContext context, ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags flags)
OpCode32SimdShImm op = (OpCode32SimdShImm)context.CurrOp;
bool scalar = (flags & ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.Scalar) != 0;
bool signedSrc = (flags & ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedSrc) != 0;
bool signedDst = (flags & ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.SignedDst) != 0;
bool round = (flags & ShrImmSaturatingNarrowFlags.Round) != 0;
if (scalar)
// TODO: Support scalar operation.
throw new NotImplementedException();
int shift = GetImmShr(op);
long roundConst = 1L << (shift - 1);
EmitVectorUnaryNarrowOp32(context, (op1) =>
if (op.Size <= 1 || !round)
if (round)
op1 = context.Add(op1, Const(op1.Type, roundConst));
op1 = signedSrc ? context.ShiftRightSI(op1, Const(shift)) : context.ShiftRightUI(op1, Const(shift));
else /* if (op.Size == 2 && round) */
op1 = EmitShrImm64(context, op1, signedSrc, roundConst, shift); // shift <= 32
return EmitSatQ(context, op1, 8 << op.Size, signedSrc, signedDst);
}, signedSrc);
private static int GetImmShr(OpCode32SimdShImm op)
return (8 << op.Size) - op.Shift; // Shr amount is flipped.
// dst64 = (Int(src64, signed) + roundConst) >> shift;
private static Operand EmitShrImm64(
ArmEmitterContext context,
Operand value,
bool signed,
long roundConst,
int shift)
MethodInfo info = signed
? typeof(SoftFallback).GetMethod(nameof(SoftFallback.SignedShrImm64))
: typeof(SoftFallback).GetMethod(nameof(SoftFallback.UnsignedShrImm64));
return context.Call(info, value, Const(roundConst), Const(shift));
private static Operand EmitSatQ(ArmEmitterContext context, Operand value, int eSize, bool signedSrc, bool signedDst)
Debug.Assert(eSize <= 32);
long intMin = signedDst ? -(1L << (eSize - 1)) : 0;
long intMax = signedDst ? (1L << (eSize - 1)) - 1 : (1L << eSize) - 1;
Operand gt = signedSrc
? context.ICompareGreater(value, Const(value.Type, intMax))
: context.ICompareGreaterUI(value, Const(value.Type, intMax));
Operand lt = signedSrc
? context.ICompareLess(value, Const(value.Type, intMin))
: context.ICompareLessUI(value, Const(value.Type, intMin));
value = context.ConditionalSelect(gt, Const(value.Type, intMax), value);
value = context.ConditionalSelect(lt, Const(value.Type, intMin), value);
Operand lblNoSat = Label();
context.BranchIfFalse(lblNoSat, context.BitwiseOr(gt, lt));
return value;