using Ryujinx.Graphics.Device; using Ryujinx.Graphics.GAL; using Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.InlineToMemory; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; namespace Ryujinx.Graphics.Gpu.Engine.Threed { /// <summary> /// Represents a 3D engine class. /// </summary> class ThreedClass : IDeviceState { private readonly GpuContext _context; private readonly DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState> _state; private readonly InlineToMemoryClass _i2mClass; private readonly DrawManager _drawManager; private readonly SemaphoreUpdater _semaphoreUpdater; private readonly ConstantBufferUpdater _cbUpdater; private readonly StateUpdater _stateUpdater; /// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of the 3D engine class. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">GPU context</param> /// <param name="channel">GPU channel</param> public ThreedClass(GpuContext context, GpuChannel channel) { _context = context; _state = new DeviceStateWithShadow<ThreedClassState>(new Dictionary<string, RwCallback> { { nameof(ThreedClassState.LaunchDma), new RwCallback(LaunchDma, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.LoadInlineData), new RwCallback(LoadInlineData, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.SyncpointAction), new RwCallback(IncrementSyncpoint, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.InvalidateSamplerCacheNoWfi), new RwCallback(InvalidateSamplerCacheNoWfi, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.InvalidateTextureHeaderCacheNoWfi), new RwCallback(InvalidateTextureHeaderCacheNoWfi, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.TextureBarrier), new RwCallback(TextureBarrier, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.TextureBarrierTiled), new RwCallback(TextureBarrierTiled, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawTextureSrcY), new RwCallback(DrawTexture, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.VbElementU8), new RwCallback(VbElementU8, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.VbElementU16), new RwCallback(VbElementU16, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.VbElementU32), new RwCallback(VbElementU32, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.ResetCounter), new RwCallback(ResetCounter, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.RenderEnableCondition), new RwCallback(null, Zero) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawEnd), new RwCallback(DrawEnd, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawBegin), new RwCallback(DrawBegin, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawIndexedSmall), new RwCallback(DrawIndexedSmall, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawIndexedSmall2), new RwCallback(DrawIndexedSmall2, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance), new RwCallback(DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance2), new RwCallback(DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance2, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.IndexBufferCount), new RwCallback(SetIndexBufferCount, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.Clear), new RwCallback(Clear, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.SemaphoreControl), new RwCallback(Report, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.SetFalcon04), new RwCallback(SetFalcon04, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferUpdateData), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferUpdate, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferBindVertex), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferBindVertex, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferBindTessControl), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferBindTessControl, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferBindTessEvaluation), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferBindTessEvaluation, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferBindGeometry), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferBindGeometry, null) }, { nameof(ThreedClassState.UniformBufferBindFragment), new RwCallback(ConstantBufferBindFragment, null) } }); _i2mClass = new InlineToMemoryClass(context, channel, initializeState: false); var drawState = new DrawState(); _drawManager = new DrawManager(context, channel, _state, drawState); _semaphoreUpdater = new SemaphoreUpdater(context, channel, _state); _cbUpdater = new ConstantBufferUpdater(channel, _state); _stateUpdater = new StateUpdater(context, channel, _state, drawState); // This defaults to "always", even without any register write. // Reads just return 0, regardless of what was set there. _state.State.RenderEnableCondition = Condition.Always; } /// <summary> /// Reads data from the class registers. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">Register byte offset</param> /// <returns>Data at the specified offset</returns> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public int Read(int offset) => _state.Read(offset); /// <summary> /// Writes data to the class registers. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">Register byte offset</param> /// <param name="data">Data to be written</param> [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining)] public void Write(int offset, int data) { _state.WriteWithRedundancyCheck(offset, data, out bool valueChanged); if (valueChanged) { _stateUpdater.SetDirty(offset); } } /// <summary> /// Sets the shadow ram control value of all sub-channels. /// </summary> /// <param name="control">New shadow ram control value</param> public void SetShadowRamControl(int control) { _state.State.SetMmeShadowRamControl = (uint)control; } /// <summary> /// Updates current host state for all registers modified since the last call to this method. /// </summary> public void UpdateState() { _cbUpdater.FlushUboDirty(); _stateUpdater.Update(); } /// <summary> /// Updates current host state for all registers modified since the last call to this method. /// </summary> /// <param name="mask">Mask where each bit set indicates that the respective state group index should be checked</param> public void UpdateState(ulong mask) { _stateUpdater.Update(mask); } /// <summary> /// Updates render targets (color and depth-stencil buffers) based on current render target state. /// </summary> /// <param name="useControl">Use draw buffers information from render target control register</param> /// <param name="singleUse">If this is not -1, it indicates that only the given indexed target will be used.</param> public void UpdateRenderTargetState(bool useControl, int singleUse = -1) { _stateUpdater.UpdateRenderTargetState(useControl, singleUse); } /// <summary> /// Marks the entire state as dirty, forcing a full host state update before the next draw. /// </summary> public void ForceStateDirty() { _drawManager.ForceStateDirty(); _stateUpdater.SetAllDirty(); } /// <summary> /// Marks the specified register offset as dirty, forcing the associated state to update on the next draw. /// </summary> /// <param name="offset">Register offset</param> public void ForceStateDirty(int offset) { _stateUpdater.SetDirty(offset); } /// <summary> /// Forces the shaders to be rebound on the next draw. /// </summary> public void ForceShaderUpdate() { _stateUpdater.ForceShaderUpdate(); } /// <summary> /// Flushes any queued UBO updates. /// </summary> public void FlushUboDirty() { _cbUpdater.FlushUboDirty(); } /// <summary> /// Perform any deferred draws. /// </summary> public void PerformDeferredDraws() { _drawManager.PerformDeferredDraws(); } /// <summary> /// Updates the currently bound constant buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data to be written to the buffer</param> public void ConstantBufferUpdate(ReadOnlySpan<int> data) { _cbUpdater.Update(data); } /// <summary> /// Launches the Inline-to-Memory DMA copy operation. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void LaunchDma(int argument) { _i2mClass.LaunchDma(ref Unsafe.As<ThreedClassState, InlineToMemoryClassState>(ref _state.State), argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes a block of data to the Inline-to-Memory engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Data to push</param> public void LoadInlineData(ReadOnlySpan<int> data) { _i2mClass.LoadInlineData(data); } /// <summary> /// Pushes a word of data to the Inline-to-Memory engine. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void LoadInlineData(int argument) { _i2mClass.LoadInlineData(argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs an incrementation on a syncpoint. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> public void IncrementSyncpoint(int argument) { uint syncpointId = (uint)argument & 0xFFFF; _context.AdvanceSequence(); _context.CreateHostSyncIfNeeded(); _context.Renderer.UpdateCounters(); // Poll the query counters, the game may want an updated result. _context.Synchronization.IncrementSyncpoint(syncpointId); } /// <summary> /// Invalidates the cache with the sampler descriptors from the sampler pool. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument (unused)</param> private void InvalidateSamplerCacheNoWfi(int argument) { _context.AdvanceSequence(); } /// <summary> /// Invalidates the cache with the texture descriptors from the texture pool. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument (unused)</param> private void InvalidateTextureHeaderCacheNoWfi(int argument) { _context.AdvanceSequence(); } /// <summary> /// Issues a texture barrier. /// This waits until previous texture writes from the GPU to finish, before /// performing new operations with said textures. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument (unused)</param> private void TextureBarrier(int argument) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.TextureBarrier(); } /// <summary> /// Issues a texture barrier. /// This waits until previous texture writes from the GPU to finish, before /// performing new operations with said textures. /// This performs a per-tile wait, it is only valid if both the previous write /// and current access has the same access patterns. /// This may be faster than the regular barrier on tile-based rasterizers. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument (unused)</param> private void TextureBarrierTiled(int argument) { _context.Renderer.Pipeline.TextureBarrierTiled(); } /// <summary> /// Draws a texture, without needing to specify shader programs. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawTexture(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawTexture(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes four 8-bit index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void VbElementU8(int argument) { _drawManager.VbElementU8(argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes two 16-bit index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void VbElementU16(int argument) { _drawManager.VbElementU16(argument); } /// <summary> /// Pushes one 32-bit index buffer element. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void VbElementU32(int argument) { _drawManager.VbElementU32(argument); } /// <summary> /// Resets the value of an internal GPU counter back to zero. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ResetCounter(int argument) { _semaphoreUpdater.ResetCounter(argument); } /// <summary> /// Finishes the draw call. /// This draws geometry on the bound buffers based on the current GPU state. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawEnd(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawEnd(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Starts draw. /// This sets primitive type and instanced draw parameters. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawBegin(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawBegin(argument); } /// <summary> /// Sets the index buffer count. /// This also sets internal state that indicates that the next draw is an indexed draw. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void SetIndexBufferCount(int argument) { _drawManager.SetIndexBufferCount(argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawIndexedSmall(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawIndexedSmall(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawIndexedSmall2(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawIndexedSmall2(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements, /// while also pre-incrementing the current instance value. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs a indexed draw with a low number of index buffer elements, /// while also pre-incrementing the current instance value. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance2(int argument) { _drawManager.DrawIndexedSmallIncInstance2(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Clears the current color and depth-stencil buffers. /// Which buffers should be cleared is also specified on the argument. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void Clear(int argument) { _drawManager.Clear(this, argument); } /// <summary> /// Writes a GPU counter to guest memory. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void Report(int argument) { _semaphoreUpdater.Report(argument); } /// <summary> /// Performs high-level emulation of Falcon microcode function number "4". /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void SetFalcon04(int argument) { _state.State.SetMmeShadowScratch[0] = 1; } /// <summary> /// Updates the uniform buffer data with inline data. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">New uniform buffer data word</param> private void ConstantBufferUpdate(int argument) { _cbUpdater.Update(argument); } /// <summary> /// Binds a uniform buffer for the vertex shader stage. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ConstantBufferBindVertex(int argument) { _cbUpdater.BindVertex(argument); } /// <summary> /// Binds a uniform buffer for the tessellation control shader stage. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ConstantBufferBindTessControl(int argument) { _cbUpdater.BindTessControl(argument); } /// <summary> /// Binds a uniform buffer for the tessellation evaluation shader stage. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ConstantBufferBindTessEvaluation(int argument) { _cbUpdater.BindTessEvaluation(argument); } /// <summary> /// Binds a uniform buffer for the geometry shader stage. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ConstantBufferBindGeometry(int argument) { _cbUpdater.BindGeometry(argument); } /// <summary> /// Binds a uniform buffer for the fragment shader stage. /// </summary> /// <param name="argument">Method call argument</param> private void ConstantBufferBindFragment(int argument) { _cbUpdater.BindFragment(argument); } /// <summary> /// Generic register read function that just returns 0. /// </summary> /// <returns>Zero</returns> private static int Zero() { return 0; } /// <summary> /// Performs a indirect multi-draw, with parameters from a GPU buffer. /// </summary> /// <param name="indexCount">Index Buffer Count</param> /// <param name="topology">Primitive topology</param> /// <param name="indirectBuffer">GPU buffer with the draw parameters, such as count, first index, etc</param> /// <param name="parameterBuffer">GPU buffer with the draw count</param> /// <param name="maxDrawCount">Maximum number of draws that can be made</param> /// <param name="stride">Distance in bytes between each element on the <paramref name="indirectBuffer"/> array</param> public void MultiDrawIndirectCount( int indexCount, PrimitiveTopology topology, BufferRange indirectBuffer, BufferRange parameterBuffer, int maxDrawCount, int stride) { _drawManager.MultiDrawIndirectCount(this, indexCount, topology, indirectBuffer, parameterBuffer, maxDrawCount, stride); } } }