# Ubuntu User Configuration This document includes configuration that is per user and remembered in the home directory. ## Terminal - Set font size in Terminal to 15 and initial column count to 85 - `git clone https://git.duckduckwhale.com/DuckDuckWhale/dotfiles && cd dotfiles/auto && ./auto` - `cd ../manual/rust && ./rust` - `cd ../helix && ./helix` ## Settings - Go to `Appearance` and choose dark mode - Go to `Date & Time` and use am/pm - Go to `Displays` and enable night light - Go to `Power` and change `Power Button Action` to `Suspend`. - Go to `Privacy -> File History & Trash` and auto delete everything in 30 days - Go to `Multitasking` and choose `Workspaces on all displays` and `Hot Corner` - Application switching? ## Gnome Tweaks - Swap capslock and ESC in `Keyboard & Mouse` -> `Additional Layout Options` -> `Caps Lock behavior` - Change `Mouse Click Emulation` to `Area` - Turn on weekdays and battery percentage in `Top Bar` - Flat mouse acceleration profile - Turn off suspend when closing lid ## Gnome Extensions - Turn on: - `Applications menu` - `Places status indicator` - `Windownavigator` - `Workspace Indicator` - Note: to manually install Gnome extensions, unzip it and copy the `uuid` field in `metadata.json` and rename the directory to this name, then move to `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions` and logout and login. - GSConnect - Uncheck SFTP auto mount - Add commands: - `Lock`: `loginctl lock-session` - `Quack`: `ffplay -v quiet -nodisp -autoexit ~/Music/'.Not Music'/Ringtones/Quack.mp3` ## Firefox - Check open previous windows and tabs - Setup Multi-Account Containers - Change shortcuts to `Ctrl`+<#> - Change default zoom to 120% - Enable HTTPS only - Enable DNS over HTTPS - Proxy DNS when using SOCKS v5 - In `about:config` set `browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo` to 10. ## Gnome Calendar - Add Google accounts in online accounts - On older versions of Ubuntu < 22.04, not tested for 22.04: - Wait for a bit, it's kinda buggy but it will work at the end (wait for ~2 days) ## VS Codium - `flatpak override --user --env=FLATPAK_ISOLATE_PACKAGES=0 com.vscodium.codium` - Reason: `https://github.com/flathub/ide-flatpak-wrapper/blob/master/vscode.sh` ## OBS Basic Settings - Video: 1440p HVENC HEVC - Audio: 320k Opus - Container: Matroska ## OBS record audio per app (may need adjustment > 22.04) ``` # configure pulse audio with obs-sink and loop it back to speakers cat >> ~/.config/pulse/default.pa << 'EOF' # include system default .include /etc/pulse/default.pa # sink that discard all input load-module module-null-sink sink_name=obs-sink # update human readable description in property list update-sink-proplist obs-sink device.description="OBS Sink" # replace with name in first output of `pacmd list-sinks` inside angle # brackets # sink must be set, otherwise would be default and cause echoing # latency_msec must be set, the lowest possible is 1 and default is 200 load-module module-loopback sink= latency_msec=1 EOF # restart pulse audio pulseaudio -k # to configure output per app to different devices sudo apt install pavucontrol ``` Source: ## [Golden Dict](https://einverne.github.io/post/2018/08/goldendict.html) - Import dictionaries in `~/.software/goldendict/stardict-cc-cedict` - Don't search in dictionaries contains more then 10000 articles - ## Flatseal Check all apps, especially proprietary ones' file permissions