- SSH config: disable password and send COLORTERM
- Vim: use <space>u instead of <space>w
- Helix:
- Update for bug fixes after 23.10
- Install bash completions, desktop file, and icon
- Fix bufferline and inlay hints color
- Reenable auto pairs since smart tabs is a thing now
- Ubuntu:
- Update to 23.10
- Change naming convention
- Add podman and qemu-user-static
- Setup:
- Update install and swap config
- Add fish, Pods, Steam
- Fix CJK font config path
- Remove Firefox Wayland override now that it's the default
- Shells: configure fish
- Manual:
- Configure starship
- Use cargo locked install
- Remove sparse protocol config now that it's the default
- Fix failure when fish config directory is not found
- tmux: fix truecolor support for Alacritty