- An actual `README.md`
- Reorganize dual boot guide & install and swap guides
- Fix force install of Rust & Helix breaking when files already exist
- A note about Firefox Wayland CPU bug
- Remove deprecated `sshd_config` line
- Rust and Helix install/configure scripts
- tmux curly underline with colors
- Rocky SSH & Mosh setup
- `asciinema` and `rg`
- Mosh PPA for old Ubuntu systems
- VirtualBox USB devices group
- Add `~/.local/bin/` to path in .bashrc
- Use `~/.bash_login` instead of `~/.profile` for tmux on login and exec it
- Rename `gnome-todo` to `endeavour`
- Use new sshd alias
- Reload instead of restarting sshd
- Vim colorschemes and plugins
- `.sh` extensions on executable scripts